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Programming, uploading, downloading, displaying workouts and more!

Train Overview & FAQ

How to manage all of your systems settings and frequently asked questions.

Adding staff members in PushPress TrainHow to ensure your staff can access all of the staff features within the PushPress Train system.
Train - How to view your full client listBy default the Train clients page will default to active members. Using the below quick steps you can view your entire client list.
Train | Set your facilities weight tracking to Pounds (LBS) or Kilograms (KG)This guide will show you how to change your account's weight unit of measurement to LBS or KG across all of your clients.
Train | Changing LBS to KG in Member AppWhile gym owners have the ability to set a default for pounds or kilos; members can toggle their own preferences from their app.
Granting Members Access to your Workout Programs in TrainHow to manage and control workout program visibility in and the Member Apps.
Train | How do I get billed?Here is how to know what Train costs.
Train - Create a "Private" or Hidden LeaderboardIf you want members to log their results, but don't want their results public here is what to do.
Train | Access RolesThis article will differentiate the roles between Owner, Manager, and Coach.
Train | How coaches can login as their clients.This article details the steps of how to login as a client, allowing you to see and use the app exactly how they would.
Train | Create Custom Scoring DivisionsHere is a simple guide on creating a custom scoring division in your Train account.
Train | How to sell Workout Programs without running classes.Here is a 5-step guide on how to sell additional programs!
Train Lite Overview & FAQsLearn about Train Lite by PushPress for workout display in the member app and on screens.