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Staff App | Workouts (Train)
Staff App | Workouts (Train)

Train clients can now view workouts directly from the Staff app in version 1.9.0 or higher.

Jason Sturm avatar
Written by Jason Sturm
Updated over 8 months ago

Workouts in the Staff app looks and functions very similarly to workouts in Members App, except for the following:

  • An “Edit” button will redirect the staff member into Train in their web browser on their device; where they can make changes to the workout, and then publish.

  • Coming soon: Staff members will be able to see “History” for benchmarks and “Log Result” for their clients/members.


  • I am a coach in my gym. Why can’t I see all the workout programs?

    • You need to be set up as a coach in Train in order to see all workout programs, even if you are set up as a coach for your gym in Core. If you are not set up as a coach in Train, you will only see workout programs with default visibility.

  • How does editing a workout work?

    • When you have selected a Workout Program on a specific date, select the “Edit Workout” button towards the top of your screen. It will open up Train in a web browser on your device, and you will be able to make any adjustments to the workout. Make sure to publish! When you open the workout again in Staff App, the workout will be updated.

  • Editing a workout is a little hard on mobile (scrolling and dragging workout components). What gives?

    • This is a Train project that is coming soon, so you won’t need to deal with it for too much longer.

  • When I tap “Edit this workout”, it takes me to Train with no workout program selected. Why?

    • For some workouts that have no programming, our system cannot recognize which program you’re coming from. However, you can easily select the workout program from the dropdown on the top of your screen.

  • My staff cannot see workouts I have programmed. Why not?

    • Staff will be able to see any workout program that has been “saved” or “published”. Staff cannot see a workout that is still in draft mode.

  • I can’t see my SugarWOD or Tracks workouts in Staff App. Why not?

    • Staff App workouts is built to support Train workouts and does not support viewing workouts from SugarWOD or Tracks.

  • I don’t see “Workouts” as an option on my bottom navigation bar in Staff App.

    • Gyms will only see “Workouts” in Staff App if they have Train enabled for their gym.

Viewing workouts from Staff app:

From the home screen of the Staff app in staff mode, the "Workouts" tab will appear on the bottom navigation menu which will open the list of all programs available in Train.

Selecting the workout will open the view of the workout(s) under that program for the day. NOTE: The view is consistent with the layout of the workout in the member app with the exception of the "Edit this workout" redirect button which will open Train in your web browser to edit and publish workout changes.

Workout scores and comments are viewable by the staff member in the smae format and user interface as in the member app.


If you would like more information or need further assistance, please use our HELP DOCs, just like this one or reach out through intercom, the little blue box in your CORE account or email us at Our team is here to help.

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PushPress is a gym management software that can help you a lot in managing your gym. We've helped thousands of local gyms streamline and professionalize their businesses with our intuitive, powerful solution for managing fitness facilities - all from the palm of their hands! Want to take charge? Give us 3 minutes on the phone or schedule an in-person demo today!

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