How to program workouts in the PushPress Train System
Programming & Viewing workouts with Train & Members AppThis video series will explain how to program workouts and view them with Train & the Members app with PushPress
Become a Pro at Programming with Train by PushPress
Train Shortcuts to Save You Time
Train - Copy Workout to Next WeekHere a quick walkthrough on how to easily copy a workout to the following week.
Train - Tags Basics & OverviewLearn the basics about using tags in Train.
How to Publish a Workout in TrainMake workouts visible to members by saving & publishing them for immediate access in the member/staff app or on screens.
Programming Workouts Using the Train Workout BuilderBuild amazing programming using Train's intuitive Workout Builder
Benchmark Workouts in TrainBenchmark Workouts enable you to categorize repeatable workouts in your library for quick selection and scheduling.
Train - How to Program an EMOMHere are some ideas for programming Every Minute on the Minute workouts.
Train | Copying a Full Week of WorkoutsThis is a quick guide on how to move an entire week of workouts to any week within any daily program or program template.
Train - Building Your Media LibraryHere are the basics of how to add and edit items in you Media Library and associate them with inputs tags
Train | How to Import Workouts from CSV for Workout BuildingYou can upload a week of programming to the Workout Builder from CSV!