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Train | How coaches can login as their clients.
Train | How coaches can login as their clients.

This article details the steps of how to login as a client, allowing you to see and use the app exactly how they would.

Patrick Chandler avatar
Written by Patrick Chandler
Updated over a year ago

1. Login to

Click on Coaching…

2. Click on clients.

Click on Clients

3. Find the member or client name and click the 3 dots.

Click on more_vert

4. Select 'Login as User'

Click on lock_open Login as User

5. Click on the Clipboard Icon that will say "Copy to Clipboard" if hovering over.

Click on Copy To Clipboard

6. Paste this URL into a new browser and select enter.

7. Now you're logged in as the user!

If the user has never logged into Train the system may ask you to reset the password. You can simply hit done. Now you can view all of the daily programs, program templates and personal training from this person's viewpoint!

Click on Done

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