Help Documentation for Member & Staff Support
Core | Staff - Assigning Members and LeadsHow to assign a member or lead to one of your staff
Core | Lead - Referred byFind where the lead was generated from
Core | Members - Sub-account TroubleshootingCommon issues and questions about sub-accounts
Core | Promote or Demote StaffEasily promote or demote staff members and assign access roles using their core profile
Core | Check in - Coach Check-in Options
Core | Members - Assigning Sub Accounts & Member App AccessSub Accounts can access their own account on the member app
Core | Add a New Member & Add a PlanThere are four primary ways to add a member to your PushPress account and add a plan to their profile.
Core | Member - Logins
Core | Members - PasswordsMembers will use their password to log into the Member App and can authenticate for purchases in the Store App set to Kiosk mode
Core | Staff - Changing PasswordHow to change or update a staff member's password
Core | Add a Staff MemberStaff access is beneficial for managing schedules, signing up members, processing transactions, and managing leads.
Core - Adding Control Panel access to staff membersDisable Control Panel access for Coaches
Core | Members - Check InsCheck in Your Members to Make Decisions for your Business
Core | Leads - Auto - Assigning To A CoachHow to generate a Lead Generation Landing Page for each coach.
Core | Leads - Merge Fields and How to Use ThemUsing the Redirect URL to pass data
Core | Members - Merge MemberWhen you have duplicate accounts, you should probably merge them.
Core | Lead - Adding a Credit CardAdding a credit card to a lead
Core | Profile HeadshotsHow Members/Admins/Staff can add a headshot
Member Status Tags in PushPress CoreDetailed rules on how Lead, Member, Ex-Member and Non-Member status are assigned to people
Core | Members - SearchHow to search for a specific member
Core | Cancelled Members - Download a ListView your cancelled subscriptions.