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Core | Members - Check Ins

Check in Your Members to Make Decisions for your Business

Updated over a week ago

Members Check Ins is a MUST! Here's WHY!

CHURN Report Data


The rate of which customers cancel their memberships. Check In your members to populate this report with member data.


Celebrate the WINS. Check in Report provides Month to Date and Overall check ins. Announce members who hit milestones to celebrate.

Valid Plans

Our check-in system will throw an alert if there is no active plan. This can be for many reasons, could be as simple as an expired Credit Card.

Value per Check in

Knowing this value is helpful in deciding future course costs and coach pay.

Know When the GYM is BUSY

You may need to add an additional coach to help with busy times, or use data to help decide which classes to cut. The Check In Report will provide this data when members are checked in.

Track Limited Plans

Punchcards and Limited Plans - X per week check ins must use check ins to deduct a class.


In case of accident or injury, know who was in the gym at that time.

What Check In Method is BEST for your Members and Staff? Find out! PushPress provides several options for check ins, both self and staff lead.

Self Check In Options

Staff App In Kiosk Mode

Use a Tablet with PushPress Staff App

to check people in. Position an iPad at your front desk. Members can check themselves in by typing their name and selecting class they are attending.

Member App

Reserve Class and Check In

Members can reserve their spot in class on the Member App. Upon arrival, members can open the app and simply click "Check IN".

Staff Check In Options

Front desk staff check-in

Use the Control Panel to check members in through a laptop or desktop computer. There are two options.

Dashboard Check-in

'Check-Ins' page under the 'Schedule'

Staff APP Check-in

All Staff should download the PushPress Staff App from the Apple or Google Play Stores.

  • Ability for one click check in for ALL reserved members.

  • Adding members who did not reserve.

  • Choosing single members to check in.

More info here to learn about Staff App and it's functions.


Want even more? Display WHO is at class with our Screens APP.

The PushPress Screens app will display a check in so the coach can verify everyone participating has signed in with a quick glance and no distraction to class.


You can override a member with no valid plan if staff is checking them in on Control Panel. You can not if the member is self checking in on iPad check-in app.

Every person working out should have checked in. This means they all need a valid plan. Even a drop-in should have a dedicated drop-in plan assigned to them.

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If you would like more information or need further assistance, please use our HELP DOCs, just like this one or reach out through intercom, the little blue box in your CORE account or email us at Our team is here to help.

About PushPress

PushPress is the gym management software that will help beat your competition. Gym owners all across the world have used PushPress to streamline and professionalize their businesses. We've taken decades of experience running our own successful gyms in order to build an easy-to-use solution for others.

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