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Help Documentation for Core Account External App Integrations
Core | SugarWOD IntegrationHow to enable SugarWOD and what it does
Core | SlackThe Slack integration pushes real-time notifications from PushPress.
Core | AcuityHow to enable Acuity and what it does
Core | MailchimpHow to connect your PushPress account to Mailchimp
Core | Integration - orttoSet-up, 6 example scenarios, data we send and lead page data capture
Core | Pro Coach PluginUse the Pro Coach Plugin to control how you pay your staff, based on % of client revenue.
Core | Google AnalyticsAdd your analytics tracking ID to monitor traffic on key sections of your PushPress system and PushPress site.
Core - How to connect PushPress to Zapier and other 3rd party applications
Core | Zapier - Data, Pairing & Triggers
Core - Autopilot: How to capture data from your Lead PagesUse Autopilot to manage your Lead Page funnel
Core | Setup - Apps OverviewOverview of the PushPress App ecosystem
Core | Lead NotificationsWho gets email notifications anytime a lead is generated