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How to set up and deliver 1:1 appointments.
Core Appointments
Everything you need to know about appointments in the PushPress Core system.
Core | Appointments - Book Appointment with Landing PagesSell Appointments online with Landing pages.
Core | Appointments - View CalendarQuick look at different views you can select from on the appointment calendar for staff
Core | Appointments Landing Pages - Link to Website & Free First AppointmentThe steps below will guide you to the links needed to be able to offer appointment purchase and sing up on your website.
Setting Up Recurring Appointments & FAQsBook recurring appointments with or without available credits.
Staff App | Booking AppointmentsYou can purchase credits, book & edit appointments for for clients from the Staff App
Staff App | How To Cancel AppointmentsCancelling appointments and notifying both staff member and client is now easier.
Staff App | How To View & Filter AppointmentsView, filter, and customize filters to personalize your appointment view.
Core | Appointments - Changing Staff Member or ReschedulingNeed to make a change? We get it! Let's do it.
Core | Appointments - Book Multiple SessionsSee a client each week or want to book multiple appointments at once? Let's go!
Core | Manage a Member's Appointment Credits & HistoryHere is how you can view a full history of appointments sold, booked, and attended for a member.
Core | Appointments - Buy Credits and Book Appointment For clientPurchase and book appointment or just add a package
Creating Appointment Types & Packages in PushPress CoreFollow these steps to create or edit appointment types in PushPress Core
Core | Appointments System OverviewRecurring billing or recurring booking, PushPress Appointments has you covered
Grow Appointments
Everything you need to know about PushPress Grow calendars and appointments.
Setting up Grow Appointment CalendarsGrow calendars are a way to book 1:1 appointments outside of the core system. These are best used for No Sweat of Free Consultations
Grow | Embedding custom forms in appointment calendarsWant to have a branded form or more questions on an appointment calendar, now you can!
Grow | Calendars: 1-Way, 2-Way & Smart Sync options
Grow | Moving Calendars To A New GroupYou can move specific calendar from one group to another
Grow | Create An Event Style Calendar In Grow (new)An event style calendar is an appointment style calendar that is not assigned to any staff