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Digital Documents Overview in PushPress Core
Digital Documents Overview in PushPress Core

Overview on how to set up documents to sign. Including Waivers, Policies, Rental agreements and Contracts

Barry Pepper avatar
Written by Barry Pepper
Updated over a week ago

Note: This video mentions the retired Check-In App. You can replace the Check-In App with the Staff App Kiosk.

What is a Digital Document?

A Digital Document is any policy or document your gym requires a signature for, whether from a member or a non-member.

Best Practices for Digital Documents

  • Set up a separate document for each use case.

  • Common examples include:

    • General Release and Assumption of Risk Waiver

    • Gym Policy Document

    • Membership Agreement or Contract (e.g., rules for membership cancellation)

Attachment Rules for Digital Documents

Each document can be automatically attached to a person’s account based on the selected attachment rule:

  • Attach to every person: Ideal for waivers and general policies.

  • Attach to a person with a specific discount: Suitable for contracts tied to discounts.

  • Attach to a person with a specific plan: Best for rules related to a specific plan type.

  • Manually attach: Useful for unique or specific cases, such as custom agreements for individual members.

How Members Sign Digital Documents

Once the document is set up and auto-attaching rules are configured, follow these steps for member signatures:

Plan Signup

  • The member signs up for a plan either through:

    • A Landing Page.

    • Members/Branded App

    • Manual setup by a Coach/Admin via the Control Panel.

Document Attachment

  • Rules are triggered based on the member’s New Account, Plan, or Discount.

  • Relevant documents are automatically attached to the member’s account for signing.

Document Signing

  • Members are redirected to the required documents for signing.

  • For more details, refer to the New Member Experience.

Check-In Prompt

  • If the member hasn’t signed the document before arriving at the gym:

    • The members app will prompt them to sign the waiver during check-in.

    • The staff app kiosk will prompt them to sign the waiver during check-in.

    • Note: Signing the waiver is required before class check-in.

Waivers/Gym Policies

How to set up a General Release Waiver and Express Assumption of Risk document, and have it automatically attach to each new member, lead or drop-in.


How to set up a Membership Contract document, and have it automatically attach to each member when they sign up.

Child/Minor Waivers

You may have specific verbiage for kids only. You can add a section to your general waiver to cover this as it will detect if they are under 18 and ask for parent signature. Or you can create a separate waiver for kids and attach it to kid plans.

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaires (Par-Q)

You may have a Par-Q that you need your athletes or clients to complete before they can be admitted to class or training sessions. The Digital Document system does not allow for a user to complete info like name, yes or no, etc inside the document so we have to do a little magic using Google Forms.

Digital Documents FAQs

How do minors sign a waiver or digital document?

  • At the top of the document, there is a date input field that is usually pre-filled but can be updated if needed. For members under 18, the signature field changes to require a Parent/Guardian signature. For minor-specific language, create a separate document and attach it to applicable kids’ plans.

How do Drop-Ins sign waivers and digital documents?

  • To handle drop-ins, create a plan for them to sign up online or in person. The waiver, attached to all system users, will be emailed for signature. If not signed beforehand, they’ll be prompted on the Check-in App. If they’ve checked in, their waiver is signed—no need for manual verification!

How do Leads sign a waiver or digital document?

  • Assign leads a plan, such as a “Free Intro Assessment,” ideally available online. When they arrive at the gym, have them check in to ensure their waiver is signed.

Can I manually send a digital document?

  • Members automatically receive an email with a link to sign assigned documents. For steps to resend the email, refer to the instructions provided. Manually send digital documents

Can I see a list of who has signed each document? 


If you would like more information or need further assistance, please use our HELP DOCs, just like this one or reach out through intercom, the little blue box in your CORE account or email us at Our team is here to help.

About PushPress

PushPress is a gym management software that can help you a lot in managing your gym. We've helped thousands of local gyms streamline and professionalize their businesses with our intuitive, powerful solution for managing fitness facilities - all from the palm of their hands! Want to take charge? Give us 3 minutes on the phone or schedule an in-person demo today!

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