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Screens App | Screens 2.0 Modes
Screens App | Screens 2.0 Modes

The screens app has two modes; workout mode & class attendance mode.

Jason Sturm avatar
Written by Jason Sturm
Updated over 4 months ago

Workout Mode

Create an exceptional in-gym or studio experience by displaying your workouts on a TV screen, allowing all members to follow along easily and know what’s coming next. Workout Mode in the Screens App integrates with your Train workouts, making it easy to display and manage workout programs.

How Does Workout Mode Work?

Workout Programs in Train that are set with the “Screens Enabled” setting will automatically appear on the home page of the Screens App. Enable or Disable Screens

Steps to View a Workout in Workout Mode

  1. Select a Workout Program: Navigate to the Home Page of the Screens App and select the Workout Program you want to display.

  2. Column Selector: Once you enter Workout Mode, a column number selector will pop out from the left side of the screen. Here, you can choose how many columns you’d like to display the workout in; 1-4 columns.

  3. Focus Mode and Navigating Workout Components: To change the workout component displayed in a column, ensure the desired column is in focus mode.

To change the workout component displayed in the column

  1. Ensure the desired column is in focus mode.

  2. Select up to navigate to a previous workout component in the selected workout program or select down to navigate to a workout component after the one current displayed in the selected workout program.

Remote overview for Workout Mode

FAQs for Workout Mode

What workout programming tool does Screens support in Workout Mode?

Screens only displays workouts created using Train. Workouts built in other programming tools, such as SugarWOD, are not supported by Screens at this time. NOTE: SugarWOD can be displayed using their BoxTV feature.

I want to view a different day’s workout while in Workout Mode on Screens. Is that possible?

Currently, you can only view workouts scheduled for today in Workout Mode. The ability to navigate to other days' workouts is not available yet, but it is planned for a future update. NOTE: If you’d like to see this feature, please email us at to share your feedback.

Which workout programs are shown in the Workouts section of the Home Page of Screens?

All workout programs in Train that have the “Screens Enabled” setting turned on will be displayed on the Home Page of Screens.

What does it mean for a column to be in focus mode?

A column is in focus mode when it is actively selected for navigation or editing. You can identify a column in focus by a light highlight at the top, which will fade after a few seconds. Additionally, dots indicating the number of workout components will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the column when it's in focus mode.

I use an affiliate partner's program. How can I display all scoring division workout variations at once?

To set up three columns that display the same workout block but show different scoring divisions, follow these steps:

  • Select Three Columns Layout: Choose a layout with three columns to ensure all content fits neatly side by side.

  • Navigate to the Workout Block: In each of the three columns, navigate to the same workout block.

  • Adjust the Second and Third Columns: For the second and third columns, scroll down within the workout block to display the specific scoring division needed.

  • Zoom for Focused Display: Adjust the zoom level to ensure that only one scoring division is visible per column, making it easier for viewers to focus on the relevant division.

Class Attendance Mode

Elevate your gym or studio experience by making your members feel special and fostering a sense of community between staff and members. It displays the attendees of a class in an attractive and easy-to-navigate interface, offering support for celebrations and personalized interactions.

How Does Class Attendance Mode Work?

  1. On the Home Page, select the desired class from the list of available classes.

  2. Once selected, Class Attendance Mode will display the class details and its attendees.

What’s Displayed in Class Attendance Mode?

Class Attendance Mode highlights all relevant individuals associated with the class:

  • Coach and Assistant Coach assigned to the class; displayed in the top left-hand box(es).

  • Checked-in Members: Those who have already checked in for the class.

  • Reserved Members: Those who have reserved a spot but haven’t yet checked in.

Celebrations and Special Information

Class Attendance Mode includes special features to make your members feel recognized:

  • Celebration Icons: Icons representing important milestones, such as birthdays, member anniversaries, or personal achievements.

  • Additional Member Information: Details that help coaches and staff personalize interactions and provide a special touch during class.

This mode is designed to help staff connect with members and encourage community-building in a fun and interactive way.


  • The cake icon means that today is that individual’s birthday

  • The number in a border represents the individual’s anniversary with your gym or studio. For example: 1 is 1 year, 5 is 5 years, etc.

Trial Information

  • The diamond icon means that the individual has a trial membership

Remote overview for Class Attendance Mode

FAQs for Class Attendance Mode

Which classes show up as options for Class Attendance Mode in Screens?

The classes displayed as options for Class Attendance Mode are pulled directly from your Core account, except for any classes that have been filtered out based on location or class types through the Class filters.

Who shows up on the Class Attendance Mode?

The following individuals will be displayed on every Class Attendance screen:

  • Coach and Assistant Coach assigned to the class.

  • Members who have checked in.

  • Members who have reserved a spot for the class.

Who does not show up on the Class Attendance Mode?

The following individuals will not be displayed on the Class Attendance Mode:

  • Members who are on the waitlist.

  • Members who have late canceled.

  • Members marked as no-shows.

NOTE: Screens does not show appointment attendance.

NOTE: If a member moves from the waitlist to reserved or checked-in status, they will then appear on the Class Attendance screen.


Auto-Advance in Class Attendance Mode allows you to effortlessly cycle through classes, automatically displaying the next class at the right time, making it perfect for unattended displays.

Who Should Use Auto-Advance?

Auto-advance is ideal for gym or studio owners who want a screen to continuously show class attendees without manual intervention. If you have a screen dedicated to displaying Class Attendance Mode, auto-advance is a convenient option to "set and forget."

How Does Auto-Advance Work?

When auto-advance is enabled in the Screens App settings, it will automatically move the display to the next class based on the class schedule. This feature ensures that your displays stay up-to-date with the current class schedule without needing constant manual updates.


  • Class Start Time Logic: The screen will automatically move to the next class when that class starts.

    • For example, if a class runs from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm and another class starts at 1:00 pm, the screen will automatically advance to the 1:00 pm class at exactly 1:00 pm.

    • This works best when classes are scheduled back-to-back, such as classes starting every hour.

  • End Time Logic: If there is a gap between the end of one class and the start of the next, the screen will wait 5 minutes after the end of the current class before advancing.

    • For example, if a class ends at 7:30 am and the next class starts at 9:00 am, the screen will stay on the 7:30 am class for an additional 5 minutes, switching to the 9:00 am class at 7:35 am.

Auto-Advance FAQs

What happens if there are two classes going on at the same time and my Class Attendance Mode is on auto-advance?

If two classes are occurring at the exact same time, then the first class in alphabetical order will be shown. If auto-advance is on and two classes overlap times, Screens will not advance to another class if on a class which is still in session.


If you would like more information or need further assistance, please use our HELP DOCs, just like this one or reach out through intercom, the little blue box in your CORE account or email us at Our team is here to help.

About PushPress

PushPress is a gym management software that can help you a lot in managing your gym. We've helped thousands of local gyms streamline and professionalize their businesses with our intuitive, powerful solution for managing fitness facilities - all from the palm of their hands! Want to take charge? Give us 3 minutes on the phone or schedule an in-person demo today!

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