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Setting Up Recurring Appointments & FAQs
Setting Up Recurring Appointments & FAQs

Book recurring appointments with or without available credits.

Jason Sturm avatar
Written by Jason Sturm
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Recurring appointment booking allows staff the ability to book a repeating series of appointments, with or without existing (pre-purchased) appointment credits.

Why is this important?

  • Allows staff to "reserve" recurring appointments for clients who have regularly scheduled appointment times.

  • Allows appointments to be booked without the need for pre-purchased credits (appointments can be booked but not checked in until the credit is purchased/allocated)

  • Simplifies the staff/client booking experience when the client attends appointments on a set schedule.

Booking Recurring Appointments:

NOTE: Recurring Appointment Booking assumes you already have appointment types set up in your Core Dashboard. Appointment Types

From the Core Dashboard, select Appointments to view the appointment calendar. Then select 'Book Appointment'

Select the Appointment Type, Staff, and Client. Under 'Schedule', select 'Series' for recurring booking.


  • Date the series of appointments will begin.

  • Recurrence interval; Weekly or Every 2 weeks

  • Days and times of appointments. NOTE: Times do not have to be the same time for each of the days scheduled.

Select the length of time for the series by selecting 'Does not end', then 'Save':

  • Never - Continues until manually terminated

  • On a date - Continues until a set calendar date

  • After - Continues for a set number or recurrences.

Make sure to scroll back to the top and save the appointment(s).

The recurring appointment is saved to the Appointment Calendar

Checking in a recurring appointment:

From the Appointment Calendar, select the appointment to check in. Once the check in window pops up, you will see the status of the appointment and whether it's associated with a credit or requires the purchase of a credit.

REMINDER: You will need to add a credit (purchase) in order to check in the appointment. If you intend to bill for attended appointments at a later date, the appointment will default to 'UNPAID NO SHOW' and allow you to go back and apply credits at a later date.

If there are credits on the client's profile, you have the option to:

  • Pay and check in: Applies existing credits and checks the client in or allows you to purchase credits.

  • Pay (apply credit): Applies existing credits to the appointment for future check in.

Appointment Status Explained:

  • BOOKED - Blue - Appointment is booked with a credit applied

  • BOOKED (UNPAID) - Grey - Appointment is booked without a credit applied

  • CHECKED IN - Green - Appointment has been checked in (completed)

  • NO SHOW - Red - Appointment had a credit applied but the client was a no show

  • UNPAID NO SHOW - Yellow - The client was a no show but no credit has been applied to the booking

  • FORGIVEN - Grey - The client was a no show but the appointment credit was credited back to the client.

Recurring Appointment FAQs

Who can book recurring appointments?

  • Staff via Control Panel.

  • Members cannot self-book a recurring appointment series for themselves.

I set my recurring series to “does not end”, what does that mean?

  • The appointment series will recur in perpetuity.

  • The appointment calendar will create the first 16 weeks of appointments based on the recurring schedule set. The calendar extension service will continue to create additional appointments beyond the initial 16 weeks.

Can I check someone in to an appointment who doesn’t have a credit?

  • No, credits are required to check in to an appointment.

I see an appointment status that includes ‘unpaid’, what does that mean?

  • That means an appointment hasn’t been ‘paid’ for yet; it hasn’t had a credit assigned.

If I have a recurring appointment series and I get more credits, will they automatically be assigned to unpaid appointments?

  • Currently; no. But, that feature is coming soon.

Does the system try to apply available credits to an unpaid appointment?

  • Yes, if a person checks in, late cancels or no-shows for an appointment and it was unpaid, the system will attempt to assign a credit for that appointment.

What happens if a member tries to check in to an ‘unpaid’ appointment on member app?

  • If that member has available credits, the credit will be applied and they’ll be checked in.

  • If that member has no available credits, they will receive an error in member app.

What happens if a member tries to check in to an ‘unpaid’ appointment on staff app kiosk mode?

  • If that member has available credits, the credit will be applied and they’ll be checked in.

  • If that member has no available credits, they will receive an error in kiosk mode.

What happens if a staff tries to check someone in to an ‘unpaid’ appointment on staff app staff mode?

  • If that member has available credits, the credit will be applied and they’ll be checked in.

  • If that member has no available credits, they will receive an error in staff mode.


If you would like more information or need further assistance, please use our HELP DOCs, just like this one or reach out through intercom, the little blue box in your CORE account or email us at Our team is here to help.

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