A new lead at your gym will be enrolled in 2 ways:
Walk-in or via phone (staff will manually set up the contact in the control panel)
Landing page (lead will sign themselves up). Leads will find your landing page link wherever you publish it, for example, website, email, social media.
What does the online enrollment process look like for a lead or member purchasing a plan.
Your lead will click on a link (via website, email, social media) and find your landing page.
You can set to have members book a class or confirm the purchase.
*This option is chosen during plan set up and can be edited in existing plans.
Plan > Edit Plan > Choose Book a Class |
Once the plan is active, they will be guided to sign documents. |
All documents that are attached to member or plan will be presented to new member for signature.
All digital documents can be found on member profile and are time, date and device stamped. | |
If you are using the Book a class option (from above) the member can choose which class or classes to reserve. | |
Then, members can book another class if the plan allows for more than one check in.
If Confirmation page option was chosen OR classes are booked a receipt is sent to member email. |
When your member clicks on the Setup Profile button from their email, they will be taken to a landing page.
Option to change password, edit and add personal information to include the emergency contact. | |
When they click on "Save" they will prompted to download the Member App where members will reserve classes, update or change payment information, see workout programming and more.
Reminder: A new member cannot login into the Member App until they have completed their profile and set up a password. If they are missing this email, you can resend the email from the member's profile in the control panel.
Note: These emails are not customizable. If you'd like to send additional information or branded content, we recommend our Mailchimp integration or PushPress Grow.