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PushPress Core Reporting Overview

This article will provide an overview of the available reports in PushPress Core system.

Updated over a week ago

The PushPress Core system provides a suite of powerful reporting tools that help gym owners and managers keep track of their business performance. These reports are categorized into different sections, each designed to provide insights into various aspects of your gym operations. This guide will give you a high-level overview of the main reports available in the system:

  1. Financial Reports

  2. Engagement Reports

  3. Pro Metrics

  4. Payroll

  5. Membership Churn

  6. No Show/Late Cancel.

Financial Reports

Financial reports in PushPress Core allow you to track your revenue, expenses, and overall financial health. Key reports include:

  • Overview:

  • Details:

  • Membership Sales

  • Retail Sales

  • Upcoming Payments

  • Open Invoices

These reports provide an in-depth understanding of your gym's cash flow, enabling you to make informed financial decisions.

Engagement Reports

Engagement Report help you track how active and engaged your members are. They provide critical insights into how often members are attending, how they are using your services, and which members may need additional outreach.

  • Overview

  • Class Attendance

  • Member Attendance

  • All time Attendance

These reports are crucial for identifying trends in member engagement and ensuring you're meeting member needs.

Pro Metrics

Pro Metrics report is a summary of your financial report as it relates to member engagement and will help you monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) that drive the success of your gym. These reports provide data that allows you to track the health of your business at a glance. For a more detailed view of the metric contributing to this report, use the Financial and Engagement Reports

  • Revenue

  • Members

  • Leaderboard

  • Export

Pro Metrics help you assess overall gym performance and improve retention and growth strategies.

Payroll Report

The Payroll report can help you manage and track payroll expenses for group classes, appointments, and events. The report is configurable for any date range and is able to be downloaded and provided to accounting services. Currently the PushPress payroll system does not have a way to track hourly pay rate or other forms of payment outside of classes, appointments, and events (For example, hourly pay for cleaning or admin.).

Membership Churn

Membership churn is one of the most critical metrics to monitor for the long-term success of your gym. The churn report is a proactive report that is geared to predict members that have a high probability of churning. By monitoring churn, you can take action to retain at-risk members and improve overall member satisfaction.

No Show/Late Cancel

This report focuses on member attendance behavior, especially in terms of no-shows or late cancellations for classes or personal training sessions.

No Show: Displays which members booked but didn’t attend, allowing you to follow up and address any issues.

Late Cancel: The member cancelled their registration within the late cancel window set in the class details.

These reports help enforce attendance policies and ensure class or trainer slots are being used efficiently as well as allowing you the ability to quickly and manually invoice members for late cancels or no shows as based on your business' policies.


If you would like more information or need further assistance, please use our HELP DOCs, just like this one or reach out through intercom, the little blue box in your CORE account or email us at Our team is here to help.

About PushPress

PushPress is a gym management software that can help you a lot in managing your gym. We've helped thousands of local gyms streamline and professionalize their businesses with our intuitive, powerful solution for managing fitness facilities - all from the palm of their hands! Want to take charge? Give us 3 minutes on the phone or schedule an in-person demo today!

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