An event is a one-time calendar item. This can include fundraisers, competitions, and special one-time workouts. You can make events free or you can sell them. Here's how to create an event. *Note: Only registrants will be able to check into the event*
In your Core dashboard -> click Schedule -> click Events
Select 'Create Event'
Fill out the rest of the form with appropriate parameters for that event.
*Note #2: Active members must have a plan that allows them to check into the event class type. (For ex: the event is listed as a "Seminar" class type. Members who wish to purchase or register for the event must have a plan that allows them to check into the "seminar" class type)
"Title": Name of the class that will show up on the calendar
"Description" : Optional
"Event Type": CrossFit, Yoga, Beginners, On-ramp, etc
"Location": Specify where your event will take place.
"Coach": Who is scheduled to lead this event, if any
"Is This All Day?" : Use this option if the event will span more than one day. If toggled 'Yes', you will not need to input a start/stop time
"Event Start Time/Date": What time and day the event begins?
"Event End Time/Date": What time and day the event is scheduled to end?
"Price": You can sell the event for a cost. If a free event, set to 0.
"Tax Rate": If selling the event, you can specify if the event cost is taxed or not.
"Attendance Cap": You can limit the number of people that can pre-register for the event
"Redirect URL": Once a registrant has completed registration, you may want to link to your store app, where they can purchase apparel. You can also link to anything you want.
"Public": If toggled to 'yes', the registration link can be displayed anywhere. If toggled to 'no', only admins can register people for this event.