Note: As of 7.1.23 we recommend utilizing the Appointments V2 Calendar in Core for a better user experience
You can create appointment calendars in Grow that meet the needs of your facility. To create a new calendar in Grow in order to take appointments, here's how:
See also:
1. From your dashboard
2. Click on Calendars
3. Click on Calendar Settings
4. Click on Create Calendar
5. Decide the type of appointment you are trying to create.
Use round robin booking if you want your leads/clients to book with a specific staff member. Use Event Booking to have them register for an "Event" style appt which is not assigned to a staff member (i.e. Birthday party etc).
6. Name Your Calendar
7. Select Which Team Members You Want Connected And Available For The Appointments
8. In the "Custom URL" portion, you just need to create a unique URL slug here. You can put whatever you want here as long as you get a green check mark
9. Select The Duration of The Appointment
10. Quick Edit Your Availability
11. Head To The Advanced Settings Section To Further Edit Your Calendar
12. Write A Brief Description of Your Appointment
13. Select the 'Group' you want this appointment to reside in by selecting the drop down
14. Edit the Appointment Title (This is what the client will see the appointment named as when booking)
14. Select the color you want this appt to be on your Grow/Google calendar
15. Click on Save & Continue
16. Step 2: Availability
Select the slot duration AKA the appt time
17. Select the slot interval AKA the times the client can choose from
18. Add a buffer for appointments to have before and after to ensure you have time between appts
Note: If you have an appointment slot of 45 min, and a 15 min buffer you will need to ensure you have availability for 1 hour and 15 min on your calendar for the buffer of it will show not available. If you do not need a buffer, put 0
19. Choose how many appts can book you for the same time slot. Make sure this space has a minimum of "1" selected
20. How many appts can book on this calendar in a day? We suggest making this as large a number as you can. We typically put 100 here
21. What is the minimum time that someone can book this appointment in advance?
22. After you select the number, choose between Hours, Days, Weeks or Months
23. Date Range: How far in advance can a client book/look for appt slots?
24. Now build the days and times for this particular appointment
25. Now, set the availability for this Appt slot: Days and times
NOTE: Each staff person who you assigned to this calendar, must also ensure that they set their staff availability from the "My Staff" menu to match what this calendar has set.
26. Click on Use setting…
27. Is this a recurring appointment?
This is great if you plan to use this as a recurring personal training style appointment