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Core | Plans - 4 Week and Bi-Weekly Billing Cycles + Implementation
Core | Plans - 4 Week and Bi-Weekly Billing Cycles + Implementation

No more monthly memberships? Here is how you set up different billing cycles in PushPress Core.

Jessica Hamel avatar
Written by Jessica Hamel
Updated over 2 years ago

4 Week Billing Cycle = 13 Billing Periods in a Year

More often, we are seeing our customers want to offer 4 week billing cycles.

Migrating Gyms - Start Fresh and use this time to implement new policies, procedures and/or billing cycles.

Veteran Customers - Learn how to transition from monthly to a 4 week billing cycle.

Plan | Create New Plan with 4 Week Billing

This plan will allow for unlimited check-ins for one 4 week billing cycle.

Plan | Create New Plan with 4 Week Billing AND Limited Check-ins

This plan will allow for 3 check - ins per week with a 4 week billing cycle.

Plan | Create New Plan with 4 Week Billing AND Limited Check-ins

This plan will allow for 8 check - ins per billing period / sold as a 2x per week plan.

​Plan | Create New Plan with Bi-Weekly Billing with and without Limited Check-ins

This plan can bill every 2 weeks and allow for checkins per billing period OR weekly.

Moving from a Monthly Billing Cycle to 4 Week Billing Cycle

Migrating to PushPress - Communicate with your members if ALL members are moving to a 4 week cycle upon change to PushPress. Create plans that you want and assign those plans in Step 3 of billing during the migration process.

Changing Billing Structure - Communicate with your members that a billing cycle of 4 weeks in being implemented in the next billing cycle. There will be a little bit of admin work to do, but it can be done over the course of the month and then you're rolling. You can edit several aspects of a plan, however you cannot edit billing cycles. You will need new ones. Create the plans using the videos above in preparation to switch.

All Members moving to 4 week cycle. Know your member billing dates.

Prorate to the 1st | Set plans to cancel the day before the 1st and then add the new plan to be active on the 1st. You can set this up ahead of time.

Billing on various days of the month | On member profile, set old plan to cancel the day before billing and set new plan to be active on the normally billing date.

Only NEW Members moving to 4 week cycle, monthly plans grandfathered.

Are there some Pros and Cons? Sure. Is Everyone moving to 4 week billing cycles? No, but a few of you are, so our goal is to prepare you to make it as easy as possible.



Higher Revenue - 13 billing cycles in a year

It's more complex. No more billing on the 1st or 15th. (But PushPress makes it easy for you).

4 Week Cycle - Data compares apples to apples

Customer resistance - clients may think of it as a backdoor rate increase. If this is your way of doing a slight price increase, be confident about it. Your members will join you in this change.

If you have any questions, please shoot us a message on intercom...that little blue box. We are here to help you Dominate Your Day!

About PushPress

PushPress is a health club management software that helps those who own fitness clubs. We've helped thousands of people streamline and professionalize their businesses with our easy-to-use platform, taking decades of experience running gyms to build an efficient solution for others.

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