This article details how to program a benchmark lift into Train so that results are linked to the Weightlifting Benchmark category. This will automatically update a user's 1, 2, 3, & 5 rep maxes in the system as well as log any other rep/set combinations under this movement for future reference.
Best practices are to utilize this category for any basic lifts that you'd want your athletes to track progress over time. Historical results for each movement will be detailed in the Train app under Benchmarks.
Part 1: Programming a Benchmark Lift
How to use the workout builder to program a benchmark lift
Part 2: Adding a Custom Movement
How to add a custom movement to the Weightlifting Benchmark category
Programming a Benchmark Lift
1. Go to the Workout Builder in Train and click on Detailed Add on the day you'd like to add the lift
2. Click on Score Type:
3. Select Weight
4. The Movement category will appear with a dropdown selector
5. Select the movement that you'd like to program
6. Enter the Sets and Reps
7. If you choose 1, 2, 3, or 5 reps the system will automatically update this RM (rep max) based on the user's results. To remove this link simply click on the X next to the movement under the Calculate PR section.
8. Now enter the rest of the details as you normally would and save the workout! Note that the Subtitle will be auto-populated as the sets x reps, you're welcome to leave this, delete it, or change it to anything you'd like.