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Core | Zapier - Data, Pairing & Triggers
Core | Zapier - Data, Pairing & Triggers
Updated over a week ago

Zapier is way to push data in and out of PushPress. Think of it as a conduit so that 2 separate applications can talk.

Zapier works with 100's of other applications. For a full list and to find out more take a look at the Zapier website.

Data into PushPress

Example of how to pull data into PushPress from another application.

Data out of PushPress

Example of how to push data out of PushPress into another application

Updated instructions on how to get your API Keys
The location where you get your Public API Key has changed in PushPress, it was under Integrations as shown in the video, but we moved it, here is how to generate and locate new keys.

  1. Start by clicking Apps main menu, then click the Configure button on the Zapier tile.

  2. Click the pink plus button in right rail.

  3. Enter a Pairing Code Name, this is just for your reference, can be anything you like, then click 'Create new pairing code'.

  4. You will see new code generated in the right rail, now use the 3 dots context menu and select 'View Info'.

  5. From this modal that pops up you can get the Pairing Code (AKA API Public Key) and the Secret Code (AKA API Private Key)

Triggers we send and Receive

New Person
​Triggers when a new person is entered into PushPress

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • ID

  • Postal Code

  • Username

  • Membership Status Code

  • Uuid (Unique User ID)

  • Referred by

  • Membership Status

  • Member Since

  • User is Subaccount - 0 or 1 (0=nlo, 1=yes)

  • Create Timestamp (Date/time when user was created)

Update Person

Triggers when any person in your PushPress system is changed. A Person can be a Lead, Member, or otherwise

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Membership Status Code

  • Postal Code

  • ID

  • Username

  • Membership Status Display

  • Uuid (Unique User ID)

  • Referred by

  • Membership Status Paused (True or False)

  • Member Since

  • User is Subaccount - 0 or 1 (0=no, 1=yes)

  • Create Timestamp (Date/time when user was created)

New or Updated Subscription
​Triggers when a membership subscription is created or Updated

  • Customer First Name

  • Customer Last Name

  • Customer Email

  • Plan Amount

  • Status

  • Uuid (unique Subscription ID)

  • Customer Membership Status Code

  • Start Date

  • Created Date

  • Customer Uuid (Customer Unique ID)

  • Cancel Date

  • End Date

  • Pause Date

  • Last Charge

  • Next Charge

  • Number of Occurences

  • Paid Until

  • Plan Name

  • Customer Phone

  • Plan category Name

  • Discount Name

  • Discount Active - 0 or 1 (0=no, 1=yes)

  • Object

  • Customer DOB

  • Pause Reason

  • Resume Date

  • Customer Membership Status Paused - True or Fasle

  • Availability Available

  • Availability Checkins

  • Availability Late Cancels

  • Availability Noshows

  • Availabilities Registrations

  • Availability Waitlists

  • Plan Restricted to Calendar Types

  • Availability Limit

  • Availability period

  • Billing Brand - Cash, Credit Card, COMP, Bank Account

  • Billing Expiration month

  • Billing Expiration Year

  • Cancel Reason

  • Charge Interval

  • Checkins

  • Checkins Current Period

  • Member Status Display

  • Member Since

  • Custome Role

  • Discount Amount

  • Discount code

  • Discount type

  • Discount type code

  • Discount Uuid (unique Id for discount)

  • Discount Occurrences

  • Discount Occurences left

  • is cancelled - 0 or 1 (0=no, 1=yes)

  • Last checkin timestamp

  • Limit Checkins 0 or 1

  • Number of Charge Failures

  • Plan allow checkins - 0 or 1

  • Plan amount

  • Plan category

  • Plan is Membership 0 or 1

  • Plan is public 0 or 1

  • Plan Uuid

  • Total Occurences

New Checkin
​Triggers when a checkin occurs on PushPress System

  • ID - unique checkin ID

  • Customer First Name

  • Customer Last Name

  • Subscription Plan Name

  • Calendar Item title

  • Customer Phone

  • Customer Email

  • User First name

  • User Last name

  • Calendar item Start Timestamp

  • Customer Id (Unique customer ID)

  • Source

  • Failure reason

  • Customer Membership Status Paused - True or False

  • Calendar Item Registration Cutoff

  • Calendar Item Attendance Cap

  • Calendar Item Price

  • Checkin Time stamp

  • Customer membership status code

  • Customer membership Status member since

  • Is Assisting 0 or 1

  • Is Coaching 0 or 1

  • Is Staff 0 or 1

  • Subscription checkins

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