Core | Migrating Sub Accounts
Updated over a week ago

Migrating over Sub Accounts is as simple as sending us a separate Sub Account CSV and then adding them to the Parent account. See steps below.

Select the Sub Accounts from your active members CSV and create a new CSV with only the Sub Accounts listed. Remove the Sub Accounts from your active member list.

In the Sub Account CSV, add "+1" and "+2" to subsequent emails tied to the Sub Account.

Send Sub Account CSV to our Staff. We will import and then remove the list from Migration so the Sub Accounts are in the system and ready to be added to the Parent account.

Our Staff will notify you when the Sub Account CSV has been imported and removed from Migration and then you will be able to send us your Active Members CSV. You will then proceed through Migration - Migrating from Another Platform

Once Parent Account has gone through migration, pull up their profile, scroll to the bottom right and click on Add Sub Account.

Then you'll select the Sub Account's name in the drop down.

And there you have it, Sub Account fully migrated over.

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